- Volume 2, No. 1 Volume 2, No. 2 Volume 2, No. 3 Volume 2, No. 4
- Solutions of weakly nonlinear differential equations bounded on the whole line
- A. A. Boichuk
- Pages 3-10
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- Hill's surfaces in the generalized problem of
- L. Gadomski
- Pages 11-15
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- Application of the "Mathematica" computer system to the determination of the coordinates of equilibrium positions in the Grebenikov - Elmabsut gravitation model of four bodies
- D. Kozak-Skoworodkin and E. Onishk
- Pages 16-18
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- The asymptotic solution of the Cauchy problem for the degenerate singularly perturbed linear system in the case of multiple spectrum of the main operator
- O. I. Kocherga and V. P. Yakovets
- Pages 19-29
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- To the theory of geodesic-lines equation
- N. A. Lukashevich and A. V. Chichurin
- Pages 30-35
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- Boundary value problem for a system of wave equations
- V. V. Marinets and V. L. Rego
- Pages 36-41
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- The approximation of a system of differential-difference equations by a system of ordinary differential equations
- L. A. Piddubna and I. M. Cherevko
- Pages 42-49
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- Some properties of solutions of differential inclusions with Hukuhara derivative
- A. V. Plotnikov and A. V. Tumbrukaki
- Pages 50-58
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- On the Hamiltonian structure of Benney type hydrodynamic and Boltsman-Vlasov axial kinetic equations
- A. K. Prykarpatski, D. L. Blackmore, N. N. Bogolubov, and V. H. Samoilenko
- Pages 59-82
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- Symplectic analysis of deformations of slowly perturbed completely integrable finite-dimensional Hamiltonian systems and associated adiabatic invariants
- Y. A. Prykarpatsky and A. M. Samoilenko
- Pages 83-91
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- On some boundary value problems with non-local conditions
- A. N. Ronto
- Pages 92-108
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- A computational modification of the numerical-analytic method for periodic boundary value problems
- M. Rontó and A. Galántai
- Pages 109-114
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- On weak regular properties of linear expansion of dynamical systems
- A. M. Samoilenko, W. L. Kułyk, and B. Wojtowicz
- Pages 115-127
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- On the existence of invariant tori of <i>M</i>-frequency oscillation systems and their stability
- V. S. Tkachuk
- Pages 128-132
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- New methods for the solution of nonlinear equations with singularities
- A. Chmura and A. A. Tretyakov
- Pages 133-137
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- Sufficient conditions of linear stability for equilibrium points in the Newtonian gravitational model of six bodies
- M. Jakubiak
- Pages 138-144
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- Stability and stabilization of periodic differential systems
- A. U. Akhmetova, K. K. Kenzhebaev, and V. N. Laptinskii
- Pages 147-161
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- Grounding of the averaging method for nonlinear resonance systems with delay
- Y. I. Bigun
- Pages 162-169
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- Pseudodifferential turning point in the theory of singular perturbations
- V. M. Bobochko and V. O. Bolilyi
- Pages 170-176
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- On stability for the state of equilibrium of one system with impulse influence
- S. I. Gurgula and V. I. Gorgula
- Pages 177-179
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- On smoothness of generalized quasiperiodic solutions of Lagrangian systems on Riemannian manifolds of non-positive curvature
- S. F. Zakharin and I. O. Parasyuk
- Pages 180-193
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- The case of conditional stability for a singularly perturbed Noetherian boundary value problems
- L. I. Karandzhulov
- Pages 194-208
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- Periodic solutions of quasilinear matrix differential equations
- S. A. Kryvosheya
- Pages 209-216
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- Optimum finite-element method for domains of complex form (a Dirichlet problem for an equation with elliptic differential operator of 2-nd order)
- O. M. Lytvyn, K. V. Nosov, and O. P. Trofimenko
- Pages 217-224
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- Existence and uniqueness of an analytic solution of a nonlinear differential-functional equation of neutral type
- A. M. Samoilenko and A. G. Pelyukh
- Pages 225-230
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- Multipoint problems for oscillatory systems with slowly varying frequencies
- A. M. Samoilenko and Y. R. Petryshin
- Pages 231-240
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- On one operator equation of the theory of discrete dynamical systems
- A. M. Samoilenko, V. Y. Slyusarchuk, and V. V. Slyusarchuk
- Pages 241-251
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- On count-point boundary value problems for countable systems of ordinary differential equations
- Y. V. Teplinsky and V. A. Nedokis
- Pages 252-266
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- Asymptotic method for the investigation of a weakly-linear system of four differential equations
- V. S. Tkachuk
- Pages 267-277
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- The simplest
-type differential equations of the fourth order
- A. V. Chichurin
- Pages 278-284
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- Linear systems with singular impulse action and systems dual to them
- S. M. Chuiko and E. V. Chuiko
- Pages 285-289
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- Swept volume dynamical systems and their kinetic models
- N. N. Bogolubov, A. K. Prykarpatski, and D. L. Blackmore
- Pages 291-305
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- On existence of periodic solutions for a system of impulsive differential equations in the resonance case
- T. V. Horbachuk
- Pages 306-313
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- The solution of a Cauchy problem for a degenerate singularly perturbed linear system
- O. I. Kocherga
- Pages 314-324
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- Planar asymmetrical problem of the impact interaction of rigid elliptical cylinder with fluid
- V. D. Kubenko and V. V. Gavrilenko
- Pages 325-336
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- Separately continuous mappings of many variables with values in
-metrizable spaces
- V. K. Maslyuchenko
- Pages 337-344
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- On a relation between memory effects by Maxwell - Boltzmann and Kelvin - Voigt in linear viscoelastic theory
- G. Matarazzo
- Pages 345-351
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- Procedure of construction of an asymptotic solution of the Cauchy problem in the investigation of two-frequency models of oscillations in systems with distributed parameters
- Y. B. Mooseenkov
- Pages 352-363
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- On analytic solutions of the Cauchy problem for partial differential-partial equations with nonlinear deviations of arguments
- A. G. Pelyukh
- Pages 364-373
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- Distribution of hydraulic pressure for nonstationary motion of gas in pipelincs in the presence of compressor and pump-out stations
- Y. D. Pyanylo
- Pages 374-383
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- On the rate of convergence of the sum of the squares of the
-values of the integral Hilbert - Schmidt's operator
- E. I. Radzievskaya
- Pages 384-390
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- Matrix generalization of the Kadomtsev - Petviashvili hierarchy and nonlinear integrable systems
- Y. M. Sydorenko
- Pages 391-400
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- Symmetry classification of the one-dimensional Fokker - Planck equation with arbitrary coefficients of drift and diffusion
- S. V. Spichak and V. I. Stogny
- Pages 401-413
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- The system of singularly perturbed differential equations with degeneracies
- M. I. Shkil and G. V. Zavizion
- Pages 414-425
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- Exact solutions of a nonlinear wave equation
- I. I. Yuryk
- Pages 426-432
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- On invariant sets of systems of difference equations
- L. A. Ali
- Pages 435-438
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- Diffusion in a plane with semipermable membranes on two straight lines
- O. V. Aryasova
- Pages 439-447
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- Scattering problems on a perturbation of a part of the boundary
- V. V. Barkovskii
- Pages 448-464
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- Time, relativity and physical principle: generalizations and applications
- L. T. Gruyitch
- Pages 465-489
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- Decomposition of linear functional differential equations of neutral type
- I. I. Klevchuk
- Pages 490-500
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- On the numerical solution of the Focker - Planck - Kolmogorov equation for a differential-difference equation of the second order with random deviations of an argument
- O. V. Kolomiets
- Pages 501-510
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- On free vibrations of a thick periodic junction with concentrated masses on the fine rods
- T. A. Mel'nyk
- Pages 511-522
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- Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence and uniqueness of bounded solutions of nonlinear differential equations.
- V. Y. Slyusarchuk
- Pages 523-539
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- On invariant sets of differential equations with impulses
- V. I. Tkachenko
- Pages 540-558
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- The application of variational methods to some static contact problems for pliant shells of rotation
- V. A. Trotsenko
- Pages 559-573
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- Generalized periodical solutions of second-order hyperbolic equation
- S. G. Mogylska-Khoma
- Pages 574-577
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