% Encoding: windows-1251 @Article{sincSytnykUA2016, author = {Ситник, Д. О.}, title = {Нерівномірна {S}inc–апроксимацiя}, journal = {{Збірник праць Інституту математики НАН України}}, year = {2016}, volume = {13}, number = {3}, pages = {169-182}, language = {ukrainian}, owner = {d314}, timestamp = {2015.12.13}, } @PhdThesis{PhdThSytnykEN, author = {Sytnyk, D. O.}, title = {Exponentially convergent methods for the nonlocal abstract Cauchy problem and nonlinear boundary value problems.}, school = {Institute of Mathematics, National Academy of Sciences}, year = {2012}, type = {{PhD thesis in Computational Mathematics}}, address = {Kyiv}, note = {{in Ukrainian}}, comment = {[Info and related materials]}, language = {english}, numpages = {131}, owner = {d314}, timestamp = {2014.04.27}, } @PhdThesis{PhdThSytnykUA, author = {Ситник, Дмитро Олексійович}, title = {Експоненціально збіжні методи для нелокальної абстрактної задачі Коші та нелінійних крайових задач}, school = {Ін-т математики {НАН} {України}}, year = {2012}, type = {Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата фізико-математичних наук}, address = {Київ}, comment = {[Info and related materials]}, language = {ukrainian}, number = {01.01.07}, numpages = {131}, owner = {d314}, timestamp = {2012.07.17}, } @MastersThesis{MThSytnyk2010, author = {Sytnyk, Dmytro}, title = {Mathematical modeling of quantum dots with generalized envelope functions approximations and coupled partial differential equations}, school = {Wilfrid Laurier University (Canada)}, year = {2010}, type = {Master's Thesis}, month = {December}, language = {english}, owner = {d314}, timestamp = {2011.05.09}, url = {http://proquest.umi.com/pqdlink?did=2099346551&Fmt=7&clientId=27850&RQT=309&VName=PQD}, } @Book{bVasylyk2011_en, title = {Functional-Discrete method for the solution of operator equations and its applications}, publisher = {Naukova Dumka}, year = {2011}, author = {Vasylyk, V. B. and Dragunov, D. V. and Sytnyk, D. O}, note = {{in Ukrainian}}, language = {english}, numpages = {175}, owner = {d314}, timestamp = {2013.09.27}, } @Book{bVasylykUA2011, title = {Функціонально-дискретний метод розв’язування операторних рівнянь та його засто-сування}, publisher = {Наукова думка}, year = {2011}, author = {Василик, В. Б. and Драгунов, Д. В. and Ситник, Д. О.}, language = {ukrainian}, numpages = {175}, owner = {d314}, timestamp = {2015.11.30}, } @Article{fin_val_mpoint_regMakarovUA2015, author = {Макаров, В. Л. and Василик, В. Б. and Ситник, Д. О.}, title = {Експоненцiально збiжний метод для диференцiального рiвняння першого порядку в банаховому просторi з необмеженим оператором у нелокальнiй умовi}, journal = {{Збірник праць Інституту математики НАН України}}, year = {2015}, volume = {12}, number = {5}, pages = {32-45}, language = {ukrainian}, owner = {d314}, timestamp = {2015.12.16}, } @Article{Gav_Laz_Mak_Sytn_2008, author = {Gavrilyuk, I. P. and Lazurchak, I. I. and Makarov, V. L. and Sytnyk, D. O.}, title = {A method with a controllable exponential convergence rate for nonlinear differential operator equations}, journal = {Comput. Methods Appl. Math.}, year = {2009}, volume = {9}, number = {1}, pages = {63--78}, doi = {10.2478/cmam-2009-0004}, fjournal = {Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics}, issn = {1609-4840}, language = {english}, mrclass = {65J15 (34B15 34G20 47J25)}, mrnumber = {2641311 (2011b:65086)}, mrreviewer = {Igor Bock}, owner = {d314}, timestamp = {2012.02.10}, } @Article{Gavrilyuk2010, author = {Gavrilyuk, I. P. and Makarov, V. L. and Sytnyk, D. O. and Vasylyk, V. B.}, title = {Exponentially Convergent Method for the m-Point Nonlocal Problem for a First Order Differential Equation in Banach Space}, journal = {{Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization}}, year = {2010}, volume = {31}, number = {1}, pages = {1--21}, doi = {10.1080/01630560903499019}, language = {english}, owner = {d314}, publisher = {Taylor \& Francis}, timestamp = {2010.05.05}, url = {http://www.informaworld.com/10.1080/01630560903499019}, } @Article{iter_approxSytnykUA2015, author = {Ситник, Д. О.}, title = {Метод ітеративної апроксимації функцій з використанням інтерполянтів у банахових просторах}, journal = {{Збірник праць Інституту математики НАН України}}, year = {2015}, volume = {12}, number = {5}, pages = {140-159}, language = {ukrainian}, owner = {d314}, timestamp = {2015.12.16}, } @Article{jcsmd_Sytnyk2014, author = {Sytnyk, Dmytro}, title = {Modelling of quantum dots and low dimensional nanostructures as coupled systems}, journal = {J. Coupled Syst. Multiscale Dyn.}, year = {2014}, volume = {2}, number = {4}, pages = {188-213}, month = {dec}, doi = {10.1166/jcsmd.2014.1055}, language = {english}, owner = {d314}, publisher = {American Scientific Publishers}, timestamp = {2015.05.20}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1166/jcsmd.2014.1055}, } @Article{kpEllptArxSytnyk2010, author = {{Sytnyk}, D. and {Patil}, S. and {Melnik}, R.}, title = {{Multiband Hamiltonians of the Luttinger-Kohn Theory and Ellipticity Requirements}}, journal = {ArXiv e-prints}, year = {2010}, month = {apr}, adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}, adsurl = {http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2010arXiv1004.4152S}, archiveprefix = {arXiv}, comment = {[Info and related materials]}, eprint = {1004.4152}, keywords = {Condensed Matter - Materials Science, Physics - Atomic and Molecular Clusters, Quantum Physics}, language = {english}, owner = {d314}, primaryclass = {cond-mat.mtrl-sci}, timestamp = {2011.05.09}, } @Article{Laz_Mak_Sytn_2008, author = {Lazurchak, I. I. and Makarov, V. L. and Sytnyk, D.}, title = {Two-sided approximations for nonlinear operator equations}, journal = {Comput. Methods Appl. Math.}, year = {2008}, volume = {8}, number = {4}, pages = {386--392}, doi = {10.2478/cmam-2008-0028}, fjournal = {Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics}, issn = {1609-4840}, language = {english}, mrclass = {65J15}, mrnumber = {2604751 (2011b:65088)}, owner = {d314}, timestamp = {2012.04.17}, } @Article{nonloc_exMVS2014, author = {Makarov, V. L. and Sytnyk, D. O. and Vasylyk, V. B.}, title = {Existence of the solution to a nonlocal-in-time evolutional problem}, journal = {{Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control}}, year = {2014}, volume = {19}, number = {3}, pages = {432-447}, month = {sep}, comment = {[Info and related materials]}, doi = {10.15388/na.2014.3.8}, language = {english}, owner = {d314}, publisher = {Vilnius University Press}, timestamp = {2014.06.29}, url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1406.5417}, } @Article{pollSytnykUA2014, author = {Макаров, В. Л. and Василик, В. Б. and Ситник, Д. О.}, title = {Швидкодіючий алгоритм для моделювання динаміки розповсюдження викидів в атмосферу від зосереджених джерел}, journal = {{Збірник праць Інституту математики НАН України}}, year = {2014}, volume = {11}, number = {4}, pages = {176-197}, language = {ukrainian}, owner = {d314}, timestamp = {2015.03.17}, } @Article{sinc_refSytnykUA2014, author = {Ситник, Д. О.}, title = {Ефективне використання попередньо обчислених даних у схемi iтеративної Sinc–апроксимацiї}, journal = {{Збірник праць Інституту математики НАН України}}, year = {2014}, volume = {11}, number = {4}, pages = {266-279}, language = {ukrainian}, owner = {d314}, timestamp = {2015.11.30}, } @Article{schrod_num_Sytnyk2017, author = {Dmytro Sytnyk}, title = {{Parallel approximation for abstract time-dependent Schr\"odinger equation}}, journal = {Mathematics of Computation}, year = {2018}, note = {to appear}, language = {english}, owner = {d314}, timestamp = {2013.08.25}, } @Article{MakarovSytnykVasylyk2016, author = {Makarov, V. L. and Sytnyk, D. O. and Vasylyk, V. B.}, title = {{Exponentially convergent method for abstract Cauchy problem with nonlinear nonlocal condition}}, journal = {Proceedings of A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute}, year = {2016}, volume = {21}, number = {1}, pages = {18--32}, owner = {DSytnyk}, timestamp = {2016-11-03}, url = {http://www.viam.science.tsu.ge/Ami/2016_1/Makarov%20V._Sytnyk%20D._Vasylyk%20V._AMIM_2016_1.pdf}, } @Misc{SytnykMelnik2018, author = {Sytnyk, D. and Melnik, R.}, title = {{Linear nonlocal problem for the abstract time-dependent non-homogeneous Schr\"odinger equation}}, year = {2018}, archiveprefix = {arXiv}, eprint = {1609.08670}, language = {english}, owner = {DSytnyk}, primaryclass = {math-ph}, timestamp = {2016-11-03}, url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/1609.08670}, } @Article{MakVasSyt2016, author = {Макаров, В. Л. and Василик, В. Б. and Ситник, Д. О.}, title = {Паралельний чисельний алгоритм для абстрактного диференціального рівняння з умовою у кінцевий момент часу, який базується на нелокальній регуляризації}, journal = {{Збірник праць Інституту математики НАН України}}, year = {2016}, volume = {13}, number = {3}, pages = {211-226}, language = {ukrainian}, owner = {d314}, timestamp = {2015.12.13}, } @Article{sincSytnykUA2016en, author = {Sytnyk, D.}, title = {Nonuniform {S}inc approximation}, journal = {{Collected works of Institute of mathematics NAS of Ukraine}}, year = {2016}, volume = {13}, number = {3}, pages = {169-182}, note = {{in Ukrainian}}, language = {english}, owner = {d314}, timestamp = {2015.12.13}, } @Article{MakVasSyt2016en, author = {Makarov, V. L. and Vasylyk, V. B. and Sytnyk, D. O.}, title = {Parallel numerical method for abstract final value problem based on nonlocal regularization}, journal = {{Collected works of Institute of mathematics NAS of Ukraine}}, year = {2016}, volume = {13}, number = {3}, pages = {211-226}, note = {{in Ukrainian}}, language = {english}, owner = {d314}, timestamp = {2015.12.13}, } @Article{iter_approxSytnykUA2015en, author = {Sytnyk, D.}, title = {Method of iterative approximation of functions based on interpolation in {B}anach spaces}, journal = {{Collected works of Institute of mathematics NAS of Ukraine}}, year = {2015}, volume = {12}, number = {5}, pages = {140-159}, note = {{in Ukrainian}}, language = {english}, owner = {d314}, timestamp = {2015.12.16}, } @Article{fin_val_mpoint_regMakarovUA2015en, author = {Makarov, V. L. and Vasylyk, V. B. and Sytnyk, D. O.}, title = {Exponentially convergent method for first order differential equation in banach space with unbounded operator in the nonlocal condition}, journal = {{Collected works of Institute of mathematics NAS of Ukraine}}, year = {2015}, volume = {12}, number = {5}, pages = {32-45}, note = {{in Ukrainian}}, language = {english}, owner = {d314}, timestamp = {2015.12.16}, } @Article{sinc_refSytnykUA2014en, author = {Sytnyk, D.}, title = {Effective utilization of previously calculated data in the scheme of iterative {S}inc approximation}, journal = {{Collected works of Institute of mathematics NAS of Ukraine}}, year = {2014}, volume = {11}, number = {4}, pages = {266-279}, note = {{in Ukrainian}}, language = {english}, owner = {d314}, timestamp = {2015.11.30}, } @Article{pollSytnykUA2014en, author = {Makarov, V. L. and Vasylyk, V. B. and Sytnyk, D. O.}, title = {Fast algorithm for modeling of atmospheric pollution dynamics with point source emissions}, journal = {{Collected works of Institute of mathematics NAS of Ukraine}}, year = {2014}, volume = {11}, number = {4}, pages = {176-197}, note = {{in Ukrainian}}, language = {english}, owner = {d314}, timestamp = {2015.03.17}, } @Article{DNASMakGavLazSytnUA2009, author = {Макаров, В. Л. and Гаврилюк, І. П. and Лазурчак І. І. and Ситник, Д. О.}, title = {Функціонально-дискретний метод для нелінійних операторних та диференціальних рівнянь}, journal = {Доповіді НАН України}, year = {2009}, number = {1}, pages = {26--34}, language = {ukrainian}, owner = {DSytnyk}, timestamp = {2017-02-13}, } @Article{GavrilyukLazurchakMakarovEtAl2009, author = {Gavrilyuk, I. and Lazurchak, I. and Makarov, V. and Sytnyk, D.}, title = {An exponentially convergent method for nonlinear operator equations: two-sided approximations and global convergence}, journal = {Computer sciences and telecommunications}, year = {2009}, number = {4}, pages = {31--53}, owner = {DSytnyk}, timestamp = {2017-02-13}, } @Article{VasylykSytnykUA2006, author = {Василик, В. Б. and Ситник, Д. О.}, title = {Експоненційно збіжний метод для апроксимації інтегралів зі змінною межею інтегрування}, journal = {{Збірник праць Інституту математики НАН України}}, year = {2006}, volume = {3}, number = {1}, pages = {54-63}, language = {ukrainian}, owner = {DSytnyk}, timestamp = {2017-02-13}, } @Conference{confAMMCS_Sytnyk2013, author = {Sytnyk, D. and Melnik, R. and Prabhakar, S.}, title = {Parallel numerical method for time-dependent Schrodinger equation with application to quantum heterostructures}, booktitle = {{The International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Modeling and Computational Science, Book of Abstracts}}, year = {2013}, pages = {592}, address = {Waterloo, Canada}, month = {August 26-30}, isbn = {978-0-9918856-0-2}, language = {english}, owner = {d314}, timestamp = {2013.09.27}, } @Conference{confDrog_Sytnyk2011, author = {Sytnyk, D.}, title = {Improved Numerical Method for the Nonlocal Abstract Cauchy Problem with Time Dependent Operator Coefficient}, booktitle = {{International Skorobohat'ko Mathematical Conference}}, year = {2011}, address = {Drogobych, Ukraine}, month = {September 19 -23}, note = {{in Ukrainian}}, language = {english}, owner = {d314}, timestamp = {2013.09.27}, } @Conference{confOES_Sytnyk2006, author = {Dmytro Sytnyk and Vitalii Vasylyk}, title = {Exponentially convergent algorithm for solving parabolic BVP with non local boundary conditions.}, booktitle = {Third international conference ”Open evolutional systems”}, year = {2006}, address = {Kiev}, note = {{in ukrainian}}, language = {english}, owner = {d314}, timestamp = {2013.09.27}, } @Conference{confSIGMA_Sytnyk2010, author = {Sytnyk, D. and Melnik, R.}, title = {Ellipticity conditions in multiband Hamiltonian problems for the analysis of low dimensional nanostructures}, booktitle = {{International Conference on FunctionalAnalysis Dedicated to 90th Anniversaryof V. E. Lyantse}}, year = {2010}, pages = {43}, address = {Lviv}, month = {November 17 - 21}, language = {english}, owner = {d314}, timestamp = {2013.09.27}, } @Conference{confSiNMP_Sytnyk2009, author = {Sytnyk, D. and Melnik, R.}, title = {Multiband Hamiltonians of the Luttinger-Kohn theory and ellipticity requirements}, booktitle = {VIIIth International Conference ”Symmetry in Nonlinear Mathematical Physics”}, year = {2009}, address = {Kiev}, organization = {Institute of Mathematics}, language = {english}, owner = {d314}, timestamp = {2013.09.27}, url = {http://www.imath.kiev.ua/~appmath/Abstracts2009/Melnik.html}, } @Conference{confUCCM_Sytnyk2009, author = {Sytnyk, D. and Melnik, R.}, title = {Inverse problems for multiband modeling and design of low dimensional nanostructures}, booktitle = {10th US Congress on Computational Mechanics}, year = {2009}, address = {Columbus, Ohio, USA}, month = {July}, language = {english}, owner = {d314}, timestamp = {2013.09.27}, } @Conference{confYoung_Sytnyk2015, author = {Sytnyk, D.}, title = {Parallel numerical method for time-dependent {S}chrodinger equation}, booktitle = {International Conference of young Mathematicians}, year = {2015}, address = {Kyiv, Ukraine}, month = {June 3-6}, language = {english}, owner = {d314}, timestamp = {2013.09.27}, } @Article{Sytnyk2017, author = {Sytnyk, Dmytro}, title = {Sinc approximation of algebraically decaying functions}, journal = {{Journal of Numerical and Applied Mathematics}}, year = {2017}, number = {3 (126)}, pages = {124-133}, language = {english}, owner = {d314}, timestamp = {2017-12-08}, } @Article{Sytnyk2017a, author = {Sytnyk, Dmytro}, title = {Parallel numerical method for nonlocal-in-time Schr{\"o}dinger equation}, journal = {Journal of Coupled Systems and Multiscale Dynamics}, year = {2017}, number = {2-4}, pages = {204--211}, archiveprefix = {arXiv}, doi = {10.1166/jcsmd.2017.1140}, eprint = {1809.01516}, publisher = {American Scientific Publishers}, } @Comment{jabref-meta: databaseType:bibtex;}