- Volume 27, No. 1 Volume 27, No. 2 Volume 27, No. 3
- Generalized optimal control of pseudoparabolic integro-differential systems
- A. V. Anikushyn and A. I. Andaral
- Pages 3-18
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- Adomian decomposition method in the theory of inverse problems for nonlinear boundary-value problems with delay
- A. A. Boichuk, S. M. Chuiko, and V. O. Chuiko
- Pages 19-30
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- Series in biorthogonal systems of functions and their application to the solution of boundary-value problems of the Helmholtz equation
- O. V. Veselovska and B. B. Pakholok
- Pages 31-42
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- Asymptotic solutions of boundary-value problems for linear singularly perturbed differential-algebraic systems
- M. B. Vira, M. O. Rashevs'ky, and P. F. Samusenko
- Pages 43-55
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- On the classicality of solutions of the boundary-value problem for a second-order parabolic system
- O. V. Diachenko and V. M. Los
- Pages 56-63
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- The Cauchy problem for a system of linear inhomogeneous first-order differential equations with rectangular matrices and one impulse action at a fixed moment of time
- M. A. Yelishevich
- Pages 64-82
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- Partial stabilization of an orbiting satellite model with a flexible attachment
- J. I. Kalosha, Y. A. Yevgenieva, and A. L. Zuyev
- Pages 83-91
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- Asymptotics of the solution of the two-point boundary-value problem for a linear singularly perturbed system of differential equations in the case of a singular boundary bundle of matrices (one-dimensional case). Part 1
- O. V. Pafyk and S. P. Pafyk
- Pages 92-106
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- Methods of solution of the problem with constraints for singular integral equations
- O. B. Polishchuk
- Pages 107-111
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- On the complete integrability and linearization of the nonlinear Calogero – Degasperis equation
- M. M. Prytula and Y. V. Kokovska
- Pages 112-116
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- Estimates of approximations by interpolation trigonometric polynomials on classes of convolutions of periodic functions of high smoothness
- A. S. Serdyuk and T. A. Stepaniuk
- Pages 117-140
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- On the geometric properties of series in systems of functions
- M. M. Sheremeta
- Pages 141-148
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- On the factorization chains and the Korteweg – de Vries difference equation
- D. V. Belskii
- Pages 151-167
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- Parabolic boundary-value problems of mathematical physics in a piecewise homogeneous wedge-shaped cylindrical-circular half-space
- A. P. Hromyk, I. M. Konet, and T. M. Pylypiuk
- Pages 168-179
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- The Cauchy problem for a system of linear inhomogeneous first-order differential equations with rectangular matrices and the pulse action at fixed instants of time
- M. A. Yelishevich
- Pages 180-202
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- An interval approach to the construction of a credit decision-making model based on the Bayesian strategy
- O. A. Zhukovska
- Pages 203-211
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- Weakly nonlinear boundary-value problems for Fredholm integro-differential equations with a degenerate kernel in Banach spaces
- V. F. Zhuravlev, N. V. Honhalo, and I. P. Slusarenko
- Pages 212-228
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- Stability of a global attractor for the reaction-diffusion equation with respect to disturbances at the boundary of the domain
- O. V. Kapustyan and Krasneeva A. O.
- Pages 229-237
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- Existence and uniqueness of a solution of a stochastic functional differential equation of neutral type in finite-dimensional spaces
- O. A. Pravdyvyi, A. O. Stanzhytskyi, and Y. M. Perestyuk
- Pages 238-262
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- Conditions of solvability of a weakly perturbed boundary-value problem for linear stochastic differential equations
- R. I. Repnin
- Pages 263-268
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- On the Stokes – Zhukovskii potential for a toroidal cavity
- O. V. Solodun
- Pages 269-278
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- Adomian’s decomposition method in the theory of autonomous nonlinear boundary-value problems with switchings at not fixed instants of time
- S. M. Chuiko, E. S. Silin, and K. S. Shevtsova
- Pages 279-294
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- Ivan Oleksandrovych Lukovsky (24.09.1935–15.05.2024)
- Editorial Board
- Pages 295-296
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- Adomian decomposition method in the theory of nonlinear boundary-value problems unsolved with respect to the derivative
- P. Benner, S. M. Chuiko, and O. V. Nesmelova (Starkova)
- Pages 299-312
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- Propagation of elastic waves in an infinite layer under the action of an instantaneous concentrated vertical force impact on its surface
- O. I. Boichuk
- Pages 313-321
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- About asymptotics of solutions of a class of essentially nonlinear nonautonomous differential equations
- V. M. Evtukhov and S. V. Golubev
- Pages 322-345
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- Perіodіc solutіons of a system of lіnear іnhomogeneous dіfferentіal equatіons of the fіrst order wіth rectangular matrіces and the pulse actіon at fіxed іnstants of tіme
- M. A. Yelishevich
- Pages 346-361
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- Interconnected systems of operator Riccati equations
- O. Z. Iskra and A. Ofitserov
- Pages 362-367
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- Global solvability and attractors for a parabolic inclusion with upper semicontinuous polynomial right-hand part
- O. V. Kapustyan, O. M. Stanzhitskyi, J. V. Fedorenko, and V. I. Kravets
- Pages 368-377
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- Robust stabilization and weighted $H_\infty$-optimization of controlled objects with exogenous disturbances
- A. Mazko
- Pages 378-388
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- Asymptotic analysis of the general solution of a linear singularly perturbed system of higher order differential equations with degeneracies in the multidimensional case. Part 1
- S. P. Pafyk
- Pages 389-412
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- Conditions for the existence of solutions of boundary-value problems for systems of kinetic reactions
- O. O. Pokutnyi and I. Sihaiev
- Pages 413-420
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- A linear mathematical model for spatial motion of a toroidal tank with liquid
- O. V. Solodun
- Pages 421-438
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- Oleksandr Andriiovych Boichuk (30.06.1950–20.06.2024)
- Editorial Board
- Pages 439-440
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