Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications (SIGMA)

SIGMA 18 (2022), 018, 81 pages      arXiv:1911.11040

Algebras of Non-Local Screenings and Diagonal Nichols Algebras

Ilaria Flandoli and Simon D. Lentner
Department of Mathematics, University of Hamburg, Bundesstraße 55, 20146 Hamburg, Germany

Received November 02, 2020, in final form February 14, 2022; Published online March 11, 2022

In a vertex algebra setting, we consider non-local screening operators associated to the basis of any non-integral lattice. We have previously shown that, under certain restrictions, these screening operators satisfy the relations of a quantum shuffle algebra or Nichols algebra associated to a diagonal braiding, which encodes the non-locality and non-integrality. In the present article, we take all finite-dimensional diagonal Nichols algebras, as classified by Heckenberger, and find all lattice realizations of the braiding that are compatible with reflections. Usually, the realizations are unique or come as one- or two-parameter families. Examples include realizations of Lie superalgebras. We then study the associated algebra of screenings with improved methods. Typically, for positive definite lattices we obtain the Nichols algebra, such as the positive part of the quantum group, and for negative definite lattices we obtain a certain extension of the Nichols algebra generalizing the infinite quantum group with a large center.

Key words: Nichols algebras; quantum groups, screening operators; conformal field theory.

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