Фущич Вільгельм Ілліч

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Вибрані публікації:
  1. В. Фущич,
    Symmetries of equations of quantum mechanics
    Translated from the Russian original. Revised by the authors. Allerton Press, Inc., New York, xvi+465 pp. ISBN: 0-89864-069-5 (1994)
  2. В. Фущич,
    Symmetry analysis and exact solutions of equations of nonlinear mathematical physics.
    Translated from the Russian original. Revised by the authors. Mathematics and its Applications, 246. Kluwer Academic Publishers Group, Dordrecht, 1993. xxiv+435 pp. ISBN: 0-7923-2146-4 (1989)
  3. В. Фущич,
    Nonlinear spinor equations: symmetry and exact solutions,
    (Russian), Naukova Dumka, Kiev, 288 pp. ISBN: 5-12-002228-6 (1992)