Раєвська Марина Юріївна

Раєвська Марина Юріївна



    Локальні майже-кільця з мультиплікативною групою Шмідта // Укр. мат. журн. - 2019. - 71, № 10. - С. 1435-1440 (with Raievska I. Yu.)

    Finite local nearrings. Mohyla Mathematical Journal, V. 1, 2018, P. 38-48 (with Raievska I. Yu.) (in Ukrainian)

    Local nearrings of order 243. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of Mathematical Society of Moldova CMSM4'2017, June 28-July 2, 2017, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, P. 149-152 (with Raievska I. Yu., Sysak Ya. P.)

    Finite local nearrings with split metacyclic additive group. Algebra Discrete Math., 22, no. 1, 2016, P. 129-152 (with Raievska I. Yu., Sysak Ya. P.)

    Finite nearrings with identity on Miller-Moreno groups, Mat. Stud., 42, no. 1 (2014), P. 15-20 (with Raievska I. Yu.)

    Локальні майже-кільця з обмеженнями на мультиплікативні групи та підгрупи необоротних елементів // Науковий часопис НПУ імені М.П.Драгоманова. Серія 1. Фізико-математичні науки. – Київ: НПУ імені М.П. Драгоманова. – 2013, №14, С. 134-145 (з Раєвська І. Ю.).

    Локальні майже-кільця на неметациклічних групах Міллера-Морено. Вiсник Київського нацiонального унiверситету iменi Тараса Шевченка. Серiя: фiзико-математичнi науки, 3 (2012), P. 39-46 (з Раєвська І. Ю., Сисак Я. П.)

    On local near-rings with Miller-Moreno multiplicative group. (Ukraine original) Ukr. Math. J. 64, No. 6 (2012), 930-937; translation from Ukr. Mat. Zh. 64, No. 6 (2012), P. 811-818 (with Sysak Ya. P.)

    Локальні майже-кільця з мультиплікативною групою Міллера-Морено. Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка. Серія: Математика. Механіка. 25 (2011), P. 45-48.

    Майже-поля з неабелево спадковими мультиплікативними групами, Мат. Студії, 34, №1 (2010), P. 38-43 (з Раєвська І. Ю.)


    Some special p-groups and nearrings with identity // XII International Algebraic Conference in Ukraine dedicated to the 215th anniversary of V. Bunyakovsky (2019, July 02-06, Vinnytsia, Ukraine). Abstracts. - Vinnytsia, 2019. - P. 92 (with Raievska I.)

    Finite dihedral groups as the additive groups of nearrings with identity // International Conference of Young Mathematicians (2019, June 6-8, Kyiv, Ukraine). Abstracts. - Kyiv: Institute of Mathematics of NAS of Ukraine, 2019. - P. 17 (with Raievska I. Iu.)

    Local nearrings on finite non-abelian p-groups // Modern problems of Mechanics and Mathematics: collection of scientific papers in 3 vol. / Edited by A.Ì. Samoilenko, R.M. Kushnir [Electronic resource] // Pidstryhach Institute for Applied Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics NAS of Ukraine. – 2018. – Vol. 3. – Access mode: www.iapmm.lviv.ua/mpmm2018. (with Raievska I. Yu.) (in Ukrainian)

    Local nearrings of order p^3 // 11th International Algebraic Conference in Ukraine dedicated to the 75th anniversary of V. V. Kirichenko (2017, July 3-7, Kyiv, Ukraine). Abstracts. - Kyiv: Institute of Mathematics of NAS of Ukraine, 2017. - P. 113 (with Raievska I.)

    Additive groups of finite nearrings with identity // International Conference of Young Mathematicians dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of Academician of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Professor Yu. O. Mitropolskiy (1917-2008) (2017, June 7-10, Kyiv, Ukraine). Abstracts. - Kyiv: Institute of Mathematics of NAS of Ukraine, 2017. - P. 20 (with Raievska I.) (in Ukrainian)

    Local nearrings of order 64 // International mathematical conference "Groups and Actions: Geometry and Dynamics, dedicated to the memory of professor Vitaly Sushchanskyy" (2016, December 19-22, Kyiv, Ukraine). Book of abstracts. - Kyiv, 2016. - P. 43 (with Raievska I., Sysak Ya.)

    Finite one-sided distributive structures // XI Summer School "Algebra, Topology and Analysis" (2016, 1-14 August, Odessa, Ukraine) (http://www.imath.kiev.ua/~topology/ata11/ata11_theses.pdf) (with Raievska I.)

    Finite Local Nearrings with Multiplicative Schmidt Group // XI International School-Conference on Group Theory, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of A. Yu. Olshanskii (2016, July 27 - August 2, Krasnoyarsk). Abstracts. - Krasnoyarsk: Siberian Federal University, 2016. - P. 78-79 (with Raievska I., Sysak Ya.) (in Russian)

    On infinite groups with one class of conjugated noncomplemented non-abelian subgroups// XVII International scientific Kravchuk conference (2016, May 19-20, Kyiv, Ukraine). Conference materials. II. - 2016. - P. 40-41 (with Baryshovets P. P., Raievska I. Yu.) (in Russian)

    Local nearrings of order 81 // X International Algebraic Conference in Ukraine dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Yu. A. Drozd. August 20-27, 2015, Odessa, Ukraine. Abstracts. - Odessa: TES, 2015. - P. 94 (with Raievska I., Sysak Ya.)

    GAP Packages: review and development // X Summer School "Algebra, Topology and Analysis" (2015, 3-15 August, Odessa, Ukraine). Abstracts. - Kyiv: Institute of Mathematics of NAS of Ukraine, 2015. - P. 58 (with Raievska I.)

    Local nearrings on finite 2-generated non-abelian non-metacyclic p-groups // Scientific Conference dedicated to 100th anniversary of K. M. Fishman and M. K. Fage (2015, 1-4 July, Chernivtsi, Ukraine). Abstracts. - Chernivtsi, 2015. - P. 103 (with Raievska I.)

    Finite local nearrings on non-abelian p-groups with cyclic commutator subgroups // Conference "Groups and their actions". June 22-26, 2015, Bedlewo (near Poznan), Poland. (http://mat.polsl.pl/groups/bedlewo-2015.pdf)

    Finite local nearrings on split metacyclic additive group // International Conference of Young Mathematicians (2015, 3-6 June, Kyiv, Ukraine). Abstracts. - Kyiv: Institute of Mathematics of NAS of Ukraine, 2015. - P. 42 (with Raievska I.)

    On multiplicative groups of finite local nearrings // AAA89: Workshop on General Algebra. 2015, February 26-March 01, Dresden, Germany. (http://at.yorku.ca/cgi-bin/abstract/cbkb-72)

    Using the computer algebra system GAP for constructing and studying of algebraic structures // IXth Summer School "Algebra, Topology and Analysis" (2014, July 7-18, Polianytsia, Ukraine). Abstracts. - Ivano-Frankivsk, 2014. - P. 68-69.

    Small groups as the additive groups of local nearrings // The International Algebraic Conference dedicated to 100-th anniversary of L. A. Kaluznin. July 7-12, 2014, Kyiv, Ukraine. Book of abstracts. - Kyiv: Taras Shevchenko Nat. Univ., 2014. - P. 70 (with Raievska I., Sysak Ya.)

    Finite nearrings with identity on Miller-Moreno groups // IV International Hahn conference dedicated to the 135-th anniversary of Hans Hahn. June 30-July 5, 2014, Chernivtsi, Ukraine. - Chernivtsi, 2014. - P. 253-255 (with Raievska I.)

    On finite one-sided distributive structures // Humboldt Kolleg "Education and science and their role in social and industrial progress of society" (2014, June 12-15, Kyiv, Ukraine). - Mykolaiv, 2014. - P. 45 (with Raievska I.)

    Nearrings with identity on Miller-Moreno groups // II Ukrainian Scientific Conference "Applying of mathematics methods in science and technics" (2013, November 22-23, Lutsk, Ukraine). Abstracts. - Lutsk, 2013. - P. 104-109 (with Raievska I.)

    Local nearrings of order at most 31 // 2nd EUMLS Conference Mathematics for Life Sciences (2013, September 05-10, Olenivka, Crimea, Ukraine). - Kyiv: Institute of Mathematics of NAS of Ukraine, 2013. - P. 27 (with Raievska I.)

    Finite local nearrings with multiplicative Miller-Moreno group // The 9-th International Algebraic Conference in Ukraine(Lviv, July 8-13, 2013), Abstracts of reports. - Lviv, 2013. - P. 154 (with Raievska I., Sysak Ya.)

    On local nearrings of order 32 // International Conference dedicated to 100th anniversary of S. M. Chernikov. August 20-26, 2012, Kyiv, Ukraine. Book of abstracts. - Kyiv: Institute of Mathematics of NAS of Ukraine, 2012. - P. 124 (with Raievska I., Sysak Ya.)

    Finite local nearrings on non-metacyclic Miller-Moreno p-group // The International Conference "Algebra and linear optimization" dedicated to 100th anniversary of S. M. Chernikov (2012, May 14-19, Ekaterinburg, Russia). - Ekaterinburg, 2012. - P. 132-134 (with Raievska I., Sysak Ya.)

    On local nearrings of order 32 with Miller-Moreno groups of units // The International Conference dedicated to 120th anniversary of Stefan Banach. September 17-21, 2012, Lviv, Ukraine. Book of abstracts. - Lviv, 2012. - P. 263 (with Raievska I.)

    On local nerrings with Miller-Moreno group of units // 8th International Algebraic Conference in Ukraine dedicated to the memory of professor V. M. Usenko. July 05-12, 2011, Lugansk, Ukraine. Book of abstracts. - Lugansk, 2011. - P. 220.

    Metacyclic Miller-Moreno p-groups as the additive group of local nearring // IV Conference of young scientists of modern problems of mechanics and mathematics named after academic Ya. S. Pidstrygach (2011, May 24-27, Lviv, Ukraine). - Lviv, 2011. - P. 269-270 (with Raievska I.)
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