Osipchuk Tetiana

Osipchuk Tetiana


    On weakly 1-convex sets in the plane. Proceedings of the International Geometry Center, 16, No. 1 (2023) 42-49 (together with M.Tkachuk); https://doi.org/10.15673/tmgc.v16i1.2440

    On closed weakly m-convex sets. Proceedings of the International Geometry Center, 15, No. 1 (2022) 50-65; https://doi.org/10.15673/tmgc.v15i1.2139

    Topological and Geometric Properties of the Set of 1-Nonconvexity Points of a Weakly 1-Convex Set in the Plane. Ukr Math J, 73 (2022) 1918–1936; https://doi.org/10.1007/s11253-022-02038-w

    Topological properties of closed weakly m-semiconvex sets. J Math Sci, 260 (2022) 678–692; https://doi.org/10.1007/s10958-022-05719-w

    On topological properties of weakly m-convex sets. Proceedings of IAMM of NAS of Ukraine, 34 (2020) 75–84
    (in Ukrainian); https://doi.org/10.37069/1683-4720-2020-34-8

    On semiconvexity of open sets with smooth boundary in the plane. Proceedings of the International Geometry Center, 12, No. 4 (2019) 69–88; https://doi.org/10.15673/tmgc.v12i4.1710

    On system of balls with equal radii generating shadow at a point. Bulletin de la societe des sciences et des letters de Lodz, Vol. LXVIII, No 2. (2018) 77–84; https://doi.org/10.26485/0459-6854/2018/68.2/8

    Some remarks on systems of balls generating shadow at a point. Proceedings of IAMM of NAS of Ukraine, 31, (2017) 109–116 (in Ukrainian);

    The problem of shadow for domains in Euclidean spaces. Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 224 (2017) 555–562 (together with M.Tkachuk); https://doi.org/10.1007/s10958-017-3435-z

    Shadow problem for domains in the plane. Proceedings of IAMM of NAS of Ukraine, 30 (2016) 100–105;

    Shadow problem for ellipsoids of rotation. Zb. prats of the Inst. of Math. of NASU, 12, No.3 (2015) 246-253 (together with M.Tkachuk);

    Analytical conditions of local linear convexity in the space Hn(a,b). Zb. prats of the Inst. of Math. of NASU, 10, No.4-5 (2013) 301-305;

    Mathematical modeling of cortico-pontine projection. Zb. prats of the Inst. of Math. of NASU, 9, No.2 (2012) 265-269;

    Analytic criterion for linear convexity of Hartogs domains with smooth boundary in H2. Ukr. Math. J., 63 (2011) 266–277 (together with M.Tkachuk); https://doi.org/10.1007/s11253-011-0503-2

    The analytic conditions of local generalized linear convexity in multy-dimensional Clifford spase. Zb. prats of the Inst. of Math. of NASU, 7, No.2 (2010) 393–401 (in Ukrainian, together with Yu. Zelinskii, M.Tkachuk);

    The analytic conditions of local linear convexity in Hn. Zb. prats of the Inst. of Math. of NASU, 3, No.4 (2006) 244–254 (in Ukrainian);
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