Novytskyy Viktor

Novytskyy Viktor



    Novytskyy V.V. Decomposition and Control in Linear Systems / / Studies of the Institute of Math. of NAS of Ukraine: Section "Mathematical problems of mechanics." - T. 11. - K., 1995. - 142 p.

    Novytskyy V.V., Yasynskyy V.V. Applied Tasks of Decomposition and Control in Dynamic Systems: Educational manual. - K., 1995. - 124 p.

    Lushchyk U.B., Novytskyy V.V., Tkachenko Y.M., Roitman J.M., Moroz V.L., Kolosova J.O., Frantsevych K.A. Color-coding of Scanned Ultrasound Images. - K.: SPE "Istyna", 2003. – 70 p.Medical innovations

    Lushchyk U.B., Novytskyy V.V., Alekseyeva T.S., Frantsevych K.A., Branitskaya N.S. Analytical Aspects of Individual Hemodynamic Correction in Angiology. - K.: SPE "Istyna", 2003. – 144 p. Medical innovations

    Lushchyk U.B., Novytskyy V.V., Kolosova, J.O. Up-to-date Potential of Capillaroscopy.
    - K.: SPE "Istyna", 2004. – 36 p. Medical innovations

    Lushchyk U.B., Novytskyy V.V. Some Applied Aspects of Hemodynamics in the Epoch of Visualizing Technologies - K.: SPE "Istyna", 2005. – 136 p.Medical innovations

    Lushchyk U.B., Novytskyy V.V., Lushchyk N.G., Babii I.P., Alekseyeva T.S. Modern Potential of a Complete Functional Assessment of Arteriovenous Balance in a Closed Circulatory System at the Macro and Microlevels. - K. SPE "Istyna", 2006. – 120 p.Medical innovations

    Lushchyk U.B., Novytskyy V.V. Modern Applicability of Transcranial Dopplerography of Major Arteries and Veins in the Head and Dopplerography of Vessels in the Neck in Diagnosis of Cerebrovascular Pathologies: Guidelines approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. - K., SPE "Istyna", 2007. – 32 p.Medical innovations

    Novytskyy V.V. Decomposition and Control in Linear Systems / / Studies of the Institute of Mathematics of NAS of Ukraine. - T. 77: Mathematics and its applications. - K., 2008. - 251 p.

    Novytskyy V.V. Management of Gyroscopic Systems and Other Tasks of Analytical Mechanics / / Studies of the Institute of Mathematics of NAS of Ukraine - T. 78: Mathematics and its applications. - K., 2008. - 122 p..

    Lushchyk U.B., Novytskyy V.V. Current Medical Technologies in the Analytical Angiology. Educational manual. - K., SPE "Istyna", 2011. - 135 p.

    Applied aspects of biomechanics

    Lushchyk U.B., Alekseeva T.S., Branitskaya N.S, Novytskyy V.V., Frantsevych K.A., Models of Hemodynamics in Different Angioarchitectonic Systems / / Issues of mechanics and its applications. T. 44 / In-t of Mathematics, NAS of Ukraine. - K., 2002. - 161-167 p.

    Lushchyk U.B., Alekseeva T.S., Branitskaya N.S, Novytskyy V.V., Frantsevych K.A. Some Modern Mathematical Models of Hemodynamics / / Issues of mechanics and its applications. T. 44 / In-t of Mathematics, NAS of Ukraine. - K., 2002. - 18-23 p.

    Lushchyk U.B., Novytskyy V.V., Branitskaya N.S. Mathmatical Model of Application of Drugs in Cobinationss / / Electronics and Communications. - 2003. - ¹ 20. - 107-108 p.

    Lushchyk U.B., Alekseeva T.S., Branitskaya N.S, Novytskyy V.V., Frantsevych K.A., Tsvigun S.G. Applied Aspects of Application of Angioarchitectonic Types in Assessment of Vascular Brain Pathology in Patients with Discirculatory Encephalopathy / / Medical affair - 2004. - ¹ 5-6. - 44-49 p.

    Lushchyk U.B., Novytskyy V.V., Alekseyeva, T.S.. Hemodynamically Controlled Aspects of Effective Use of Vasoactive Drugs in Angiology / / Drugs of Ukraine. - 2004. - ¹ 6. - 68-71 p.

    Lushchyk U.B., Novytskyy V.V., Babii I.P., Ryabets L.S., Alekseyeva T.S., Lushchyk N.G. / Modern Innovative Technologies in Analytical Approaches to Screening of the Cardiovascular System at the Microlevel: Smart Optic Capillaroscope / / Inventor and Innovator. - 2009. - ¹ 10. - 20-27 p.

    Lushchyk U.B., Alekseyeva T.S., Novytskyy V.V. Why today don’t morbidity and mortality indices decrease associated with cardiovascular pathology? / / Inventor and Innovator. - 2009. - ¹ 10. - 14-19 p.

    Lushchyk U.B., Protasov A.G., Novytskyy V.V. Modern Technologies for Examination of the Cardiovascular System: why don’t morbidity and mortality indices decrease associated with cardiovascular pathology? / / Practical angiology. - 2010. - ¹ 3. - 5-11 p.

    Mathematical modeling of biophysical processes

    New models of hemodynamics in different angioarchitectonic systems using, in particular, Navier-Stokes equations, have been proposed. A model has been constructed for control of processes of the effective application of vasoactive therapy for angioneurology. Based on the developed mathematical models an algorithm for processing static and dynamic capillaroscopy images has been made and used for diagnosis. The study is continued on mathematical models for use of drugs in combinations.

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