P u b l i c a t i o n s  of  S e r g i i   K o l y a d a


  1. Dynamics of one-dimensional maps (with A.N. Sharkovsky, A.G. Sivak and V.V.Fedorenko), Naukova Dumka, Kiev, 1989, 216 pp.(in Russian), MR 91k:58065
  2. Dynamics of one-dimensional maps (with A.N. Sharkovsky, A.G. Sivak and V.V. Fedorenko), Mathematics and its Applications,407, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dorbrecht, 1997, 272pp. (English translation with complements), MR 98k:58083
Articles in journals/contributions to books
  1. The measure of repellors of one- dimensional smooth maps (with A.N. Sharkovsky), Differential-functional and difference equations. Inst. Math. Ukrain. Acad. Sci., Kiev, 1981, (Russian),MR 84c:58051
  2. Universal constants for one parameter families of maps (with A.G. Sivak ), Oscillation and stability of solutions ofdifferential equations. Inst. Math. Ukrain. Acad. Sci., Kiev, 1982,(Russian), MR 85f:58076
  3. A class of functional equations and the universal behavior of families of one-dimensional maps(with A.G. Sivak), Differential-difference equations and problems of mathematical physics. Inst. Math. Ukrain. Acad. Sci., Kiev, 1984, 33-37 (Russian),MR 88b:39008
  4. Maps of the interval with zero Schwarzian, Functional-differential equations and their applications. Inst.Math. Ukrain. Acad. Sci., Kiev, 1985, 47-57 (Russian), MR 88i:58080
  5. Discrete dynamical systems with Schwarzian derivative of constant sign, Functional-differential equations and their application to nonlinear boundary value problems. Inst. Math. Ukrain. Acad. Sci., Kiev, 1987, 18-23 (Russian), MR 89j:58057
  6. One-parameter families of mappings of an interval with a negative Schwartzian derivative which violate the monotonicity of bifurcations, Ukrain. Mat. Zhurnal, 41, 2, 1989, 258-261(Russian) (English translation 41, 2, 1989, 230-232) MR 90c:58085
  7. On triangular maps of type $2^\infinity$ with positive entropy, Dynamical systems and turbulence. Inst. Math. Ukrain. Acad.Sci., Kiev, 1989, 76-82 (Russian), MR 91d:58203
  8. On topological dynamics of triangular maps of the plane (with A.N. Sharkovsky), Iteration Theory, Proc. ECIT-89. World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, 1991, 177-183, MR93f:58196
  9. On dynamics of triangular maps of the square, Ergodic Theory & Dynamical Systems, 12, 1992, 749-768, MR 93m:58036
  10. On omega-limit sets of triangular maps (with L. Snoha ), Real Analysis Exchange, 18 , 1, 1992-93, 115-130, MR 94b:58057
  11. On topological entropy of triangular maps of the square (with Ll. Alseda and L. Snoha), Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 48 , 1993, 55-67, MR 94d:54087
  12. On topological dynamics of sequences of continuous maps (with L. Snoha), International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 5 , 5, 1995, 1437-1438, MR 97b:58076
  13. Topological dynamics of triangular maps (with L. Snoha) , Iteration Theory , Proc. ECIT-92, World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, 1996, 165-172, MR 97m:58065
  14. Topological entropy of nonautonomous dynamical systems (with L. Snoha), Random & Computational Dynamics, 4, 2 & 3, 1996, 205-233, MR 98f:58126
  15. Some aspects of topological transitivity - a survey (with L. Snoha), Proc. ECIT-94, Grazer Math. Ber., 334, 1997, 3-35
  16. Entropy and periodic points for transitive maps (with Ll. Aseda, J. Llibre and L. Snoha), Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 351 (1999), 1551-1573, MR 99f:58117
  17. Topological entropy of nonautonomous piecewise monotone dynamical systems on the interval (with M. Misiurewicz and L.Snoha), Fundamenta Mathematicae , 160 (1999), 161--181
  18. Noninvertible minimal maps(with L.Snoha and S. Trofimchuk) (to appear in Fundamenta Mathematicae)
  19.  On Li-Yorke pairs (with F.Blanchard, E.Glasner and A. Maass), submitted
  20. Axiomatic definition of the topological entropy on the interval (with Ll. Alseda, J. Llibre and L. Snoha), submitted
  1. On the dynamics of triangular maps, Inst. Math. Ukrain. Acad. Sci. Preprint, # 61, Kiev, 1986, 28 pp. (Russian), MR88b:58074
  2. The measure of quasi-attractors of one-dimensional smooth mappings, Inst. Math. Ukrain. Acad. Sci. Preprint, #35, Kiev, 1986, 22 pp. (Russian), MR 88h:58066
  3. On dynamics of triangular maps of the square, Inst. Math. Ukrain. Acad. Sci. Preprint, # 14, Kiev, 1991, 36 pp., MR92k:58136 (revised version to published in Ergodic Theory & Dynamical Systems, 12 , 1992, 749-768, MR 93m:58036 )
  4. On omega-limit sets of triangular maps(with L. Snoha), Inst. Math. Ukrain. Acad. Sci. Preprint, #30, Kiev,1991, 20 pp., MR 92k:58142 ( published in Real Analysis Exchange, 18 , 1, 1992-93, 115-130, MR 94b:58057 )
  5. On topological entropy of triangular maps of the square(with Ll. Alseda and L. Snoha), Preprint CRM #165, Centre de Recerca Matematica, Barcelona, 1992, 13 pp. (published in Bull.Austral. Math. Soc. 48, 1993, 55-67, MR 94d:54087)
  6. Topological entropy of nonautonomous dynamical systems(with L. Snoha), Preprint INLN # 94.61, Institut Non Lineaire de Nice, Nice, 1994, 28 pp. (revised version to published in Random & Computational Dynamics, 4, 2 & 3, 1996, 205-233 )
  7. Entropy and periodic points for transitive maps (with Ll. Aseda, J. Llibre and L. Snoha), Preprint CRM # 305, Centre de Recerca Matematica, Barcelona, 1995, 39 pp. (revised version to published in Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. , 351 (1999), 1551-1573 )
  8. Topological entropy of nonautonomous piecewise monotone dynamical systems on the interval (with M. Misiurewicz and L. Snoha), Preprint IHES/M/98/10, Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques, Bures-sur-Yvette, 18 pp., 1998 (revised version to published in Fundamenta Mathematicae , 160 (1999), 161--181 )
  9. Noninvertible minimal maps (with L. Snoha and S. Trofimchuk), Preprint IML # 99-26 , Institut de Mathématiques de Luminy, Marseille, 18 pp., 1999 (revised version  to appear in Fundamenta Mathematicae )
  10. On Li-Yorke pairs (with F.Blanchard, E.Glasner and A. Maass), Preprint IML # 00-38, Institut de Mathématiques de Luminy, Marseille,
  11. Axiomatic definition of the topological entropy on the interval (with Ll. Alseda, J. Llibre and L. Snoha),Preprint CRM #458, Centre de Recerca Matematica, Barcelona, 19 pp., 2000
Published contributions to academic conferences
  1. On topological dynamics of triangular maps of the plane , Proc. ICNO-90. Cracow, 1990, 217-218
  2. On omega-limit sets of triangular maps(with L. Snoha) , Real Analysis Exchange , 17, N1, 1991-92, 57-58
  3. On omega-limit sets of triangular maps (with L. Snoha), Proc. ECIT-91.World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, 1992, 164-165
  4. Topological dynamics of triangular maps of the square, Tagungsbericht 20/1993" Low dimensional dynamics", Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, p.7, 1993
  5. On topological dynamics of triangular maps(with L. Snoha ), Proc. ICM 94 (Short Communications), Zurich, 1994, p.196
  6. On topological dynamics of sequences of continuous maps(with L. Snoha) , Proc. Conf. " Thirty years after Sharkovskii's theorem: new perspectives ", Murcia, 1994, World Scientific Publishing, River Edge, NJ, 1995, 175-176
  7. Topological entropy of nonautonomous dynamical systems, Proc. Conf. of the CRM, Bellaterra, 1997, Centre de Recerca Matematica, 66-68

 Updated: October 20, 2000