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Institute of Mathematics NAS of Ukraine.

Ph.D. in Differential Equations (1999).
Thesis title "Time-domain analysis of nonlinear lattices solutions,"
advisor: Prof. Dr. Anatoly Samoilenko,
Institute of Mathematics, Kiev.

Master Sc. in Mathematics, Department of Mathematics and Mechanics,
Kiev National University (1988).
I. Nizhnik is the author of research papers on differential equations and nonlinear mathematical physics.

  • Research interests
  • List of publications
  • Address:

    Email: irene(#)imath . kiev . ua
    Fax: +(38044) 235 20 30

    Department of Differential Equations
    Institute of Mathematics
    Tereschenkivska 3,
    Kiev, 01601, Ukraine.

    Irene Nizhnik, 2005.